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Szülők és gyermekek eltérő véleménye a gyermekek táplálkozási szokásait illetően
eating behavior, obesity, Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire, DEBQ, factor analysisAbstract
Children’s eating habits are affected by a number of factors, and the role of parents is paramount. This research looks at children’s eating behaviour from a specific viewpoint to determine whether the child’s eating behaviour is judged differently by parents and the children themselves. The examination was segmented according to the children’s BMI category. During this investigation, the authors used the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire, adapted for children. Their sample comprised 433 primary school-aged children (grades 3–6) and their parents. The authors’ aims were to strengthen the usability of the scale adapted to children and to highlight that parents’ and children’s views of the child’s nutritional characteristics are different. The results of the research show that parents overestimate their children’s self-restraint in nutrition, so they can assume that they perceive a lower risk of obesity for their child: they see their children’s self-control problems only if they are already obese. On the other hand, parents who are aware of their child’s poor self-control can prevent them from becoming obese.
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