A minőségi munkaerő-gazdálkodás vállalati gyakorlata
quality workforce management, employer competence expectations, human resource management, strategic competence managementAbstract
The study investigates which human resources (HR) practices are applied by Hungarian companies to ensure a workforce of high quality and how they define the quality criteria of the work performed. Therefore, this research analyses the ability of companies to ensure quality HR planning and their relevant HR management practice. From a managerial viewpoint, it is especially important to know in the changing environment whether the company is able to define precisely the personal work success criteria within the organization, how much attention is given to the quality factors of work in its operation, and which HR practice could ensure a workforce required to achieve the strategic goals of the company. Based on this research in the literature the author is of the view that the strategic approach and operative tools of competence management could provide the right answers for the companies in the fight for a quality workforce. In her exploratory research the author analysed how far this practice is applied by companies operating in the Hungarian labour market.
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