Nők a startup-vállalkozások világában Magyarországon
women's roles in society, Hungarian startups, startup ecosystem, female startup entrepreneurs, inhibitory factorsAbstract
Female entrepreneurship has increased significantly in most countries over the past three decades, thus inducing more vibrant economies. Numerous studies examine women entrepreneurs and startups, but the female startup topic is a less researched area. The present paper focuses on female startups: exploring the role of women in the startup world, by giving a comprehensive picture of the state of women-led startups, and factors influencing their operation within today’s Hungarian startup ecosystem. Mixed methodology research was used: an online questionnaire in startup-themed closed social media groups (n = 113) and in-depth interviews among experts and members of the ecosystem from the Western Transdanubia Region (n = 7). The result states that the examined startups mostly use equity when starting their business; venture capital investment is not typical. Furthermore, it reveals the limiting factors, especially the complex factors hindering women-led startups, which can typically be traced back to family and social reasons.
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