A materializmus, boldogság, siker és élményfogyasztás összefüggéseinek vizsgálata tinédzserek körében
materialism, happiness, experience, success, teenagersAbstract
Materialism or materialistic attitude means to what extent are the worldly possessions important for individuals and what is the role of material goods in one’s life. The academic research on materialism goes back to the past few decades. In the past researchers investigated all the antecedent and dependent variables of materialism. Nowadays the interest of researchers shifted towards investigating materialism related to happiness, success, pleasure- and status consumption. Most of the academic studies apply quantitative methodology which does not provide enough information to understand the deeper, semantic and psychological meanings of the topics being investigated. This paper summarizes the results of an experimental qualitative research applying photo-collage and association tests. The findings highlight how material possessions and money are related to happiness, success, and pleasure consumption among the teenagers’ minds of our sample.
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