A magyar gazdasági felsőoktatás egy nyugati doktori fokozattal rendelkező itthon oktató nézőpontjából

Kitörési pontok beazonosítása és egy lehetséges cselekvési terv





business higher education in Hungary, western model, main activities and values, action plan


Recognizing the undelayable nature of transforming the business higher education in Hungary, the author lays down the foundations of an action plan. In order to do so, one needs to deeply know the western model, for which he gives a description on the main themes and supporting activities through Porter’s activity systems map. He also introduces a leading Western European doctoral program in management where he earned his PhD degree. The main points of the action plan cover organizational, professional and doctoral educational issues, with a distinguished role on introducing a widespread merit-based promotion practice. The author also suggests a couple of easily implementable actions, for instance the retailoring of the Bolyai scholarships to the needs of business science. The guidance and lessons to be drawn from this article are of relevance to main stakeholder groups, specifically to deans, heads of institutes and departments, chancellors and the ministry of education.


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Author Biography

Szabolcs Szilárd Sebrek, Corvinus University of Budapest

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Sebrek, S. S. (2020). A magyar gazdasági felsőoktatás egy nyugati doktori fokozattal rendelkező itthon oktató nézőpontjából: Kitörési pontok beazonosítása és egy lehetséges cselekvési terv. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(4), 51–62. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2020.04.05



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