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Családi vállalkozási identitás és teljesítmény
family firm, organizational identity, family firm identity, familinessAbstract
The concept of family firm identity, as the integration of family and firm identity offers a powerful theoretical tool which can increase our comprehension regarding how the presence of family owners can exert an impact on firm’s life. Despite its theoretical and practical importance, the assumed relationship between the influence of family in the firm, family firm identity and firm performance lacks empirical validation. This paper tests these relationships on a sample of 250 Hungarian SMEs by correlation, with linear and logistic regression calculations and instrument variable analysis. Results show that there is no general enhancing, positive connection between FFI and business performance, and family influence and FFI. Findings also suggest that higher company performance does not reinforce FFI either. A weak relationship has been observed only between succession intentions and performance, where FFI plays a mediatory role. The paper concludes with a discussion of possible theoretical and practical implications.
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