A számviteli képzés helye és szerepe a felsőoktatás stratégiai célkitűzései mentén
higher education, accounting, teaching methods, innovation, sustainabilityAbstract
The rapidly changing environment, long-term challenges such as globalization, pressure on resources, and the aging of European societies make the education system constantly renew itself. One of the main strategic objectives of the European Union and, in parallel, of Hungary, is to improve the performance of the education system and, in particular, the attractiveness of higher education. In line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, the tasks to be implemented include five areas, basically: employment, research and innovation, climate change and energy, education, and the fight against poverty. These goals are closely related, since the creation of a competitive economy based on knowledge and innovation, capable of sustainable growth and high employment without an adequate education system is inconceivable. In this study, focusing on the Hungarian higher education in economics, the authors give an overview of the current situation, showing the possibilities of a sustainable and continuously renewing system.
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