Új technológiai cégek az Ipar 4.0 küszöbén
A magyar digitális vállalkozási ökoszisztéma szakértői értékelése
new technology firms, digital entrepreneurial ecosystem, EIDES, digital index, digitalization, Industry 4.0, digital firm, case studyAbstract
Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution, to the revolutionary change triggered by the ever-tightening link between information technology and automation. All this has an impact on firms’ productivity, employment, and indirectly affects society. Digital technology offers the opportunity to create real digital businesses. The question is how well-prepared businesses are, and how they find their place and role in the new context. Large companies are not the only winners, because SMEs with their ability to respond flexibly to these challenges may also reach a competitive position. Of course, there are also losers for whom the catching up to this new digital era remains an unrealisable challenge. With this investigation, the authors reveal to what extent the new technology firms in Hungary are prepared for the new era that Industry 4.0 brings to them. Their expert opinion survey points out the most hindering bottlenecks in the Hungarian digital business ecosystem.
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