A vezetés sötét oldala (hübrisztikus vezetés)
Hubris syndrome, leadership, core self-evaluation, narcissism, ethical leadership, power, enneagram, personality types, prideAbstract
Hubris is the greatest temptation of successful leaders. Why is one so quick to rise and fall? How does a successful career turn into a destructive leadership behaviour – causing harm to the organization, the shareholders, or even to the industry? In case of political leaders harm may occur at social level. Hubristic leaders tend to overestimate their capabilities and be too optimistic about the possible outcomes of their decisions. In addition, they are rejective to criticism and advice, which further complicates their situation. The paper takes a look at the theoretical and conceptual framework of hubristic leadership, with a particular focus on the personality of the leader, and on power as contextual factor. All of which contributes to the emergence of hubristic leadership. In order to describe the different personality traits of leaders, the enneagram approach will be used. A hypothesis is then formulated regarding enneagram personality types that are more vulnerable to the emergence of hubristic leadership. This paper aims to help experts from both academic and business context to recognise, and if possible, to restrain or deal with hubristic leadership.
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