A digitális (auto)mobilitás évtizedei





automobility, sociotechnical imaginaries, post-automobility, science, technology and society studies (STS)


Current conceptualizations of mobility futures deal with autonomous mobility. When discussing the societal impacts, questions revolve around ethical issues, while sustainability considerations bring electromobility to the fore. This paper, however, focuses on the concept of ’automobility’ and discusses how it is possible to step out of the boundaries presented by the imaginary of automobility. In order to do this, the paper (a) discusses the concept of sociotechnical imaginaries;(b) places this into the literature on ’automobility’; (c) shows the basics of a post-automobility imaginary; (d) and discusses the consequences thereof with regard to digital post-automobility and the emergence of a new mobility ecosystem.


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Author Biography

Róbert Braun, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) Vienna

Senior Research Fellow


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How to Cite

Braun, R. (2020). A digitális (auto)mobilitás évtizedei. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(1), 46–54. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2020.01.04



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