Trust and leadership in the international and national literature

Text-mining supported systematic literature review




leadership, trust, systematic literature review, text-mining


Trust is one of the most critical areas of leadership in today’s fast-changing world; this study therefore analysed the international and domestic literature from the last ten years on leadership and trust. The results were then used to formulate proposals for future research directions. The authors conducted a systematic literature search by developing a text-mining data process, considering the repeatable research paradigm, for which they relied on the Web of Science database for the related scientific fields and the business and economics research area. The international analysis was carried out based on more than 2500 articles, and the domestic analysis used the abstracts of more than 90 articles based on the keywords ‘leadership/leader’ and ‘trust’ for the years 2012–2022. The international and domestic characteristics are summarized, and they also present the findings from the topic analysis.


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Author Biographies

Miklós Hornyák, University of Pécs

assistant professor

Gabriella Kuráth, University of Pécs

associate professor

Edit Gyarmatiné Bányai, University of Pécs

associate professor


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How to Cite

Hornyák, M., Kuráth, G., & Gyarmatiné Bányai, E. (2024). Trust and leadership in the international and national literature: Text-mining supported systematic literature review. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 55(6), 41–53.



Studies and Articles