Content analysis of Hungarian companies' sustainability reporting practices in the light of the changing regulations
non-financial disclosure, sustainability disclosure, ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) reporting, NFRD (Non-Financial Reporting Directive), CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), content analysisAbstract
The research focuses on the sustainability disclosure of large Hungarian companies. The new European Union Directive (CSRD) underscores the topic’s relevance. The authors discuss the process of non-financial disclosure and review the main theories related to the topic: stakeholder-, agency-, signalling-, and legitimacy theory. In the empirical study, they conduct a content analysis on a 100-item sample to investigate the sustainability disclosure practices of large Hungarian companies, the form of the reports, the standards used, and the topics covered by CSRD (environmental, social, corporate governance, and anti-corruption). The results show that the disclosure practices of companies operating as part of a group are closest to the requirements of future legislation. Environmental factors are the most frequently reported. Companies are least likely to report on anti-corruption activities. The most common standard was GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), followed by TCFD (Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosure). The results obtained contribute to the validation of the theories mentioned above.
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