Significance of interest in learning accounting in light of the first-year grades
interest, higher education, motivation, impact of the instructor, accountancy teachingAbstract
The goal of higher education is to establish future employees’ commitment to learning. The COVID-19 pandemic shaped the learning attitudes of today’s university students, often referred to as the COVID generation, impacting both their motivation and their learning efficiency. Several studies have highlighted the impact accounting teachers have on motivating students and improving their performance. The three hypotheses of the present study are related to students’ preexisting knowledge, their choice of university program, the changes of interests, and students’ first year academic results. The questionnaire study was conducted in the autumns of 2022 and 2023 among the students at Budapest Business University. The findings show that students’ preexisting knowledge determines their choice of university program (H1) but is unrelated to their academic achievement, even in the first year (H2). Students’ interest in accountancy increased, which is manifested in their improved results (H3), with teachers playing a major role.
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