The impact of attractive monetary policy instruments on the Hungarian interbank deposit market
monetary policy, unsecured interbank deposit market, monetary policy instrument, network analysisAbstract
In the current paper, the authors examined the unsecured interbank deposit market, more specifically, how short-term, passive-side central bank instruments with highly attractive interest rates influence it. They tested the hypothesis that instruments of this type impose a quasi-manual control and reduce the activity on the interbank market. They considered the post-2013 Hungarian monetary policy as a crucial case. The one-week central bank deposit rate introduced in April 2020 and the one-day deposit rate applied from October 2022 both represent the subject of the investigation. Through network analysis, the authors proved that the one-week deposit rate exerted effects over the period March–December 2020, in line with their hypothesis. The liquidity of the interbank market deteriorated accordingly, and the opportunity to manage liquidity needs through the interbank market narrowed. They conclude that short-term, passive-side central bank instruments such as an especially high interest rate should be used only on a temporary basis.
'2013. évi CXXXIX. törvény a Magyar Nemzeti Bankról (röviden Jegybanktörvény)
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