How green and digital transformation shapes industries
Twin transition to a green and digital future
digital transformation, FinTech, EverythingTech, GreenTech, green digitalizationAbstract
Digital transformation creates challenges in nearly all industries and business sectors. In this article we provide a targeted multidisciplinary and horizontal overview of the extensive yet diverse and fragmented literature on digital transformation, clarifying the boundary conditions for investigating the phenomenon from the point of view of GreenTech and sustainability. There is a clear shift in the decisions of all actors toward sustainability, on which GreenTech solutions are built around. Recent studies highlighted the importance of green digitalization solutions, emphasizing the importance of (digital) technology in addressing sustainability challenges as well as in business and consumer use. Consequently, the authors found, the acceleration of the expansion of digital transformation and the role of GreenTech solutions within its ambit should assume greater prominence in the near future given that ultimately there is no energy transition without digitalization.
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