Political products and voter clusters in the Hungarian parliamentary election of 2022





political marketing, political product, agenda-setting, voting behaviour, clusters of voters


In this paper, the author combined the theoretical framework of political exchange and agenda-setting with the concept of political product. He examined voter perceptions of political products in the 2022 Hungarian parliamentary elections to identify voter segments with cluster analysis. Eleven days before the 2022 parliamentary elections, he conducted an online survey, which resulted in a sample of 2,000 voters who reflected the basic socio-demographic attributes of Hungarian citizens by gender, age and type of residence. The author created segments based on the salience of issues by party preferences, and he was able to observe identity voting and issue-voting in various groups. Based on the results, he has to highlight the role of two clusters: war-orientated and disillusioned opposition segments.


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Author Biography

Tamás Honti, University of Szeged

assistant lecturer


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How to Cite

Honti, T. (2024). Political products and voter clusters in the Hungarian parliamentary election of 2022. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 55(1), 39–51. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2024.01.04



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