The value of leadership in small enterprises from their employees’ perspective




employees' perspective, leadership, organizational behavior, small business


Leadership is a well-studied subject, yet the rich intricacy of relationships between leaders, followers, and their situations continually intrigues researchers. This research aims to fill a need in the literature by using a qualitative approach to identifying the ideal attributes for small independent restaurant owners to develop into successful leaders by soliciting input from the restaurant’s employees. To better understand the importance of leadership in small enterprises, this research used a qualitative methodology to inquire into present leaders’ thoughts and experiences. Qualitative data was collected via interviews with a small Indian restaurant and its two branches with twelve employees. The interviews were conducted in two separate focus groups. The goal of this case study is to get an understanding of the participants’ experiences through their own words. The findings of this paper revealed several relevant qualities of small business leadership, especially restaurants, such as respect, compassion, effective communication, experience, and good organization.


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Author Biography

Gavkhar Turaeva, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD candidate


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How to Cite

Turaeva, G. (2023). The value of leadership in small enterprises from their employees’ perspective. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 54(5), 41–50.



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