Analysis of business competitiveness in the context of barriers
competitiveness, barriers, internationalisationAbstract
The aim of this study was to examine the success of Hungarian firms in terms of the factors that reduce their competitiveness. Focusing on a better understanding of the competitiveness of domestic companies, the authors sought to identify the factors that hinder their success. The analyses were conducted on a representative sample, so the results can be considered robust. The factors hindering competitiveness were analysed along several dimensions, and it was clear that these factors also affected the day-to-day operations of the companies. It was found that the more innovative, risk-taking and knowledge-sharing a company, the less it was affected by the barriers. In terms of internationalisation, companies that exported or were present in international markets performed better in all aspects. The more successful companies ensured their continued and sustainable competitive advantage through new strategic initiatives and flexible adaptation.
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