The relationship between career path and personality traits
A systematic literature review
career, career path, career success, course of life, personality, personality traitsAbstract
Work – and, with it, careers – plays a key role in an individual’s life; a successful career path and a positive career trajectory are key elements of a fulfilling and happy existence. A central question in the literature on career paths is whether there are specific personality traits that predict and affect successful careers. In this article, using a systematic literature review method, the author identifies and groups personality traits that strongly influence career paths and career success. A noteworthy and novel value of this study is that it provides evidence that not only personality traits that were previously thought to be positive, but also personality traits that were previously thought to be negative, can be beneficial in building a successful career path. In summarising this systematic literature review, the author discusses how the personality traits included in the groupings may have other implications for the employee–employer relationship and career development interventions.
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