The digital maturity of Hungarian small and medium sized enterprises
The Digimeter index: theoretical introduction
corporate digitalisation, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Hungary, maturity models, DigimeterAbstract
The article is based on the results of a literature review on enterprise digitalisation, small and medium-size enterprise (SME) digitalisation and their measurement. It is the first in a two-part series of articles, the broad theoretical framework of the Digimeter research series on SME digitalisation. One of the most frequently studied topics in relation to SMEs is digitalisation and measuring digital maturity. However, research on SME digitalisation faces a number of challenges. Digitalisation affects companies as a whole and SMEs are more likely to experience this process as a challenge than larger firms. This article illustrates the diversity of the field of enterprise digitalisation, which means that there is no universally accepted definition. For this reason, the measurement of SME digitalisation is not clear either from the literature or from practice. There are more differences than similarities between the measurements identified, and there is no established methodology for measuring SME maturity or development.
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