Human resource management systems
The social and environmental performance of some of Morocco’s largest corporations
human resources management systems, configurational approach, Moroccan enterprises, complementarity, social/environmental performanceAbstract
This study, which is founded on the configurational approach’s principles, aims to determine how well-coordinated human resources management systems that are tailored to the company’s business plan perform in terms of society and the environment. In this study, a collection of standard human resource practices serves as the framework for the human resource management system. Through „social commitment” and the „existence of an environmental strategy” social and environmental performance is assessed. To find the simultaneous relationships between HRM systems, business strategies, and the two measures of performance, we carried out a confirmatory quantitative survey on a sample of 107 major Moroccan enterprises. The primary findings demonstrated that the internal consistency of HRM systems and their external consistency with corporate strategy can serve as significant levers for enhancing social and environmental performance.
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