Company compass 2.0
Industry 4.0 maturity model and its application
digitalization, industry 4.0, Industry 4.0 maturity, organisation, strategy, technologyAbstract
The literature on Industry 4.0 maturity models is extensive. While the theoretical background, focus, and dimensional structure of the models vary, they are either overly technology-focused or lacking in customisation. The present study presents an Industry 4.0 maturity model (Company Compass 2.0 [CCMS 2.0]) that addresses the above deficiencies. The maturity of the eight dimensions of CCMS 2.0 is measured using a questionnaire with predefined weights. Intervention points were set for each dimension. The CCMS 2.0 maturity model is innovative because it offers a holistic assessment of Industry 4.0 maturity and intervention points that can be used for future development and growth. The authors describe their experience of applying CCMS 2.0 and recommend a process of implementation for all organisations (including SMEs).
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