Innovative employment model
Senior knowledge utilisation program in Kecskemét
workplace physical activity programme, value drivers, motivationAbstract
The declining birth rate, along with the ageing of society, is a global trend, with 27 countries in the developed world having a population decline of at least 1% in 2010; projections indicate that by 2050 there will be 55 such countries. The magnitude of the effects of ageing societies on the labour market may vary from area to area, but the phenomenon poses a number of new challenges for labour market actors. The CédrusNet Kecskemét Senior Knowledge Utilisation Programme, launched in Kecskemét, Hungary, aims to improve the employment rates in an ageing society, alleviate the problems facing social policy and health systems, and develop new tools that are based on the knowledge and experience of the ageing generation. The study points out how a county-level city can respond to the globally significant problem of an ageing society in Hungary, thus providing a model for the provision of cooperative public services.
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