Quo vadis? - A családi vállalkozások összetett célrendszerének elemzése


  • Balázs Heidrich Budapest Business School
  • Nóra Vajdovich Budapest Business School




organizational goals, goal-setting model, goal diversity, family business


The article provides a meta review of literature reviews and proposes a model of the organizational goals of family businesses. The goals of family businesses are heterogenous due to corporate characteristics stemming from family ties. In addition to categorising the goals of family businesses, the study seeks to conceptualise the factors and processes that influence their formation and design, as well as their possible consequences. The model describing the organizational goals of family businesses demonstrates the relationships related to the goals, which can further enhance our understanding of the behaviour of family businesses. The suggestions made by the authors of this study, which is groundbreaking in Hungary, attempt to draw attention to the need for research in this area.


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Author Biographies

Balázs Heidrich, Budapest Business School

Full Professor

Nóra Vajdovich, Budapest Business School

PhD student


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How to Cite

Heidrich, B., & Vajdovich, N. (2021). Quo vadis? - A családi vállalkozások összetett célrendszerének elemzése. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(11), 13–27. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2021.11.02



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