Üzleti intelligencia rendszerek felhasználói elfogadása egy hazai középvállalat példáján
business intelligence, user acceptance, attitude toward system usageAbstract
Over the past decade, a wide range of companies have recognized the benefits of business intelligence systems (BIS) and have devoted a wealth of resources to system development and implementation projects. However, an important condition for reaping their benefits is that technological innovations are accepted and used. This is why acceptance of IT systems has long been addressed in the literature. Taking into account the specifics of the BIS, this study identifies the factors that influence user acceptance on the basis of the literature, and then examines the user acceptance of the BIS of a medium-sized company in Hungary along the identified factors through interviews with key users. The study highlights how individual characteristics of users, organizational-level and technological characteristics do not provide a sufficient explanation for the unfavourable attitude change experienced during use. Rather, these should be interpreted in conjunction with the power-political-cultural effects of the system.
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