Milyen tényezők akadályozzák Magyarországon a közép- és nagyvállalati innovációt?
barriers to innovation activity, medium and large firms, ordinal regressionAbstract
The author analysed the barriers to the innovation activity of companies based on the latest survey of the BCE Competitiveness Research Centre. He found that four of the twelve barriers examined were considered particularly important by companies: too high direct innovation costs, a lack of available skilled labour, a lack of innovation management, and a lack of customer sensitivity to new products. In the sample, the innovative companies perceived all barriers to be significantly smaller. The results showed that large companies found it difficult to access funding sources in the first place; younger companies were prevented from entering the market with new products by the dominance of large companies; Hungarian-owned companies are hampered by financial barriers much more than foreign ones; and exporting companies run into uncertainty regarding customers’ demand for new products much less than those who produce primarily for the domestic market.
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