Az európai professzionális labdarúgóklubok működési modelljeinek elemzése




football, professional sports, strategies, cluster-analysis


The authors analysed with regard to the professional football markets the strategic patterns of the leading clubs participating in the first division leagues of UEFA’s member countries. In a sample of 54 clubs, the performance of clubs was examined along three major dimensions: financial performance, sport performance and human resource management/ transfer policy dimensions. They performed a hierarchical cluster analysis based on the classification of the clubs into four groups. These four clusters are: 1. International Elite; 2. Challengers; 3. Emerging Champions; and 4. Struggling for Competitiveness. The authors' main findings suggest that sports companies belonging to the same cluster generate a similar amount of income, are equally successful in the domestic leagues and have similar transfer policies, although each cluster differs markedly from the others.


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Author Biographies

Bence Kocsis, Hungarian Football Federation

Sports Science Analyst

Csaba Kiss, Corvinus University of Budapest

Senior Assistant Lecturer


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How to Cite

Kocsis, B., & Kiss, C. (2021). Az európai professzionális labdarúgóklubok működési modelljeinek elemzése. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(2), 2–14.



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