Technology adoption theories in examining the uptake of blockchain technology in the framework of functionalist and interpretive paradigms
blockchain technology, functionalism, interpretivism, sensemakingAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to examine the adoption process of emerging technology on the example of blockchain. The theoretical interpretation of blockchain acceptance and its implications are discussed from the positions of technology adoption theories (diffusion of innovation theory, the technology acceptance model, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, the technology – organisation – environment framework) as well as sensemaking theory. These theoretical models help understand the perception among end-users (e.g. supply chain practitioners) and facilitate technology diffusion among enterprises. Due to the novelty of the research field, the analysis revealed that current studies were conducted within the functionalist paradigm; however, studies on blockchain implementation can be equally done in the interpretive paradigm. The results indicate a shortage of empirical research investigations and the need for greater theory elaboration to accelerate the adoption process within organisations.
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