A dolgozói elégedettség vizsgálata a belső CSR-tevékenységek tükrében
corporate social responsibility, internal CSR, tourism marketing, hotel industry, employee satisfactionAbstract
In line with international research attention, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is receiving increases attention in Hungary as well. Workforce-related CSR activities are among the most important dimensions of CSR. Employees also play a significant role in the service sector, such as tourism and hospitality industries, because the recruitment and retention of skilled employees is a key element of success for service companies: satisfied employees are crucial to the successful operation of hotels. This study analysed the relationship between internal CSR and employee satisfaction among employees working in four- and five-star hotels in the Balaton region of Hungary. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey, it can be stated that there is a positive relationship between internal CSR and employee satisfaction. However, examining the characteristics of the hotels in question, it appears that the application of internal CSR is not affected by the size and ownership of the hotel.
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