Távmunka, home office
Hogyan érinti a távolról dolgozás a szervezet intern kommunikációját?
telework, home office, integration, internal corporate communicationAbstract
The subject of this paper is the integration of teleworkers in the form of ‘home offices’ into organizational communication. This study is based on the results of the first phase of a research launched in 2019. The authors examine how and to what extent employees who spend less than 50% of their working time at the site of the company that employs them are involved in the company’s formal and informal interpersonal communications. The evaluation of the 24 interviews that were carried out with employees as well as those at a management level draws the attention of employers and employees to the domestic characteristics of this type of employment, which is expected to become more widespread in Hungary in the future. The role of the info-communication tools, the transformation of direct interpersonal communication, the participation of employees in company events and the development of their workplace relationships are highlighted.
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