A pszichológiai szerződés szakirodalmi összefoglalója
psychological contract, employer-employee relationship, workcontractAbstract
In organisational research, examining the employer-employee relationship is a popular subject. The relationship is also explored with the psychological contract theory. The author presents a theory with its central themes and places it within a social perspective to suggest a more exact measure. The study is a theoretical summary. Its aim is to introduce and present the theory in the Hungarian literature. Presenting the most cited works, the focus is on a review of methodological views reflecting on the construct. The construct and its theories can be approached by social, psychological, and sociological aspects, in which we emphasise the psychological one. The construct bearing paradox can be resolved. For application, attachment theory is recommended. By understanding and reviewing the theory, more exact research designs can be planned improving the validity of results. If comparative studies can be built by it, a standard measure of the construct would be possible.
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