Társadalmi beágyazottságból eredő konfliktusok egészségügyi szervezetekben
embeddedness, network, university clinics, organizational conflictsAbstract
The authors focused on the study of network connections in health care institutions. In the course of their interview-based qualitative research, they focused on the networks in which the healthcare organization or organizational units of a Hungarian university participate and investigated how this affects their operation. With their multidisciplinary study, they are addressing emerging conflicts. The goal of their research is to shed light on embeddedness in university clinics in a much broader context than network embeddedness, as conflicts cannot be derived from network collaborations alone, they have much deeper roots. Based on the results of this research, network complexity results in three types of conflicts in health care institutions: conflicts related to organizational management, conflicts arising in organizational processes, and personal conflicts. These types are consistent with the literature conclusions, but an interesting result is that health professional leaders mentioned organizational management conflicts, while leaders of finance, economy and support functions mentioned all three types of conflict. It is also surprising that new types of conflict (strategic, responsibility and career conflicts) that have not been identified in the literature have been identified.
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