A termékfejlesztésből eredő fogyasztói értéktöbblet mérése az aukciós ármeghatározás módszerével
company value, consumer value, pricing, experimental auction, product developmentAbstract
Over the last decades, the special point of view of Behavioural Economics has been receiving considerable critical attention in the field of pricing research. As a consequence, the last ten years have seen increasingly rapid advances in applying experimental auctions to identify and measure consumer value and willingness to pay. This methodology makes it possible to reveal consumer preferences more precisely and comprehensively than methods based on stated preferences. Until recently, however, too little attention has been paid to this methodology in Hungary and, specifically, there has not yet been an investigation of its application. As a result, this paper attempts to identify the theoretical concept of consumer value as well as the correspondence between customer value and corporate pricing by critically discussing company value models. The study seeks to identify the role of experimental auctions in price research and the possible advantages and barriers of auctions by presenting the most widely used types of auction mechanisms. The paper is based on primary data gathered through the use of Vickrey’s auction procedure and examines how auction methodology can be applied to identify and quantify consumer willingness to pay and the value added due to improvement in the product. Considering the observations as a sample, the empirical study attempts to show the statistical methodology and tools that should be applied to analyse data and to receive hands-on implications. Special attention is paid to the possibilities and barriers of estimating the potential increase in sales revenue due to product development.
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