A Flow-élmény szerepe a hazai társadalmi vállalkozások vezetésében
social enterprise, flow, leadership, motivationAbstract
Based on interviews with leaders of nine Hungarian social enterprises, the article explores their motivations, paying special attention to their own and their employees’ flow experiences and how it relates to material compensation. The theoretical part summarises Csikszentmihalyi’s flow theory and some empirical studies in management that have been conducted since its first publication. During the analysis of the interviews, the author puts particular emphasis on ‘popular’ definitions of flow and its perceived consequences in terms of the leaders own, as well as their employees’ work and the working environment and, as an alternative, on the role of the material motivations. The main message of the research is that social goals are much more important for flow experiences than is the balance of challenges and skills. However, for employee work satisfaction, it is also important that their material compensation should be proportionate with the value they have created, drawing our attention to employee participation.
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