A magyarországi fúziók és felvásárlások elemzési lehetőségeinek feltárása


  • László Zoltán Kucséber Budapest Business School




corporate acquisition, acquisition of control, asset acquisition, merger


The focus of this study is how to contribute to the preparation of databases and methods that are required to analyse corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in Hungary, with special attention to the grouping of the most basic attributes of acquisitions. Based on the critique of the literature on M&A transactions, the synthesis of M&A concepts and the adaptation of practices abroad, the author proposes to group M&A cases into the following categories: corporate acquisitions, management acquisitions, asset acquisitions and mergers. He recommends this procedure as a starting point in finance, marketing and management research, in addition to legal research, in which the goal may be the outline of a case study or database analysis. The methodology in this article and the categories created are applied in the cases from Hungary, for which the author used two self-developed databases. His investigation covers a total of 864 transactions between 1997 and 2018 that were permitted by the Hungarian Competition Authority. The results indicate that management acquisitions and asset purchases nowadays dominate the domestic M&A market.


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Author Biography

László Zoltán Kucséber, Budapest Business School

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Kucséber, L. Z. (2020). A magyarországi fúziók és felvásárlások elemzési lehetőségeinek feltárása. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(7-8), 42–52. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2020.07-08.04



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