A projektportfólió-menedzsment elmúlt évtizede

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project portfolio management, project management, portfolio selection, overview


Project Portfolio Management is beginning to become established also in Hungary. The previous decade has led to intensive research activity in Hungary in accordance with the significance of the topic. This approach has already been applied to many fields. The definitions that emerged at the beginning of the millennium and the most important steps of the process have not changed fundamentally since then, but the elaboration of the details and the further possibilities of the application have generated new tasks for professionals. Hungarian experts have been actively involved in establishing and spreading project portfolio management, and have been carrying out quality work on the topic. Over the next ten years, more professionals in Hungary are expected to be involved in promoting, teaching and researching this special area of project management, which also suggests that more practical methods will be used in practice, and project portfolio management will also be applied in previously unaffected areas. The article reviews the milestones of ten years of project portfolio management in Hungary.


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Author Biography

Zoltán Sebestyén, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Sebestyén, Z. (2020). A projektportfólió-menedzsment elmúlt évtizede: Hazai körkép. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(KSZ), 49–58. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2020.KSZ.05



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