Internethasználati szokások feltérképezése a Rogers-féle elmélet szerint a magyarországi idősödők körében
baby-boomers, generation marketing, innovation acceptance, those born in the Ratko-era, veteransAbstract
From business, social and moral point of view it is an inevitable task to research the older generation’s innovation habits, because they are gaining an increasing share in advanced societies. Of course we have to take into account the rapid development of information technology too. The lack of knowledge and skills required for online activity among the elderly people are typically setting limits, but at the same time, the benefits of usage are becoming more and more evident to them, and even this kind of readiness is becoming more and more inevitable. This draws the attention on the multilateral mapping of the innovation behaviour of the elderly. It’s important to pay attention while analysing the elderly people that their group is strongly divided by health status, by living conditions, by lifestyles, by values and other factors, so according to the innovation acceptance they draw different patterns of behaviour. And of course we have to keep in mind that there are also differences between the two generations of the elderly, the veterans and the baby boomers (people born in Ratko-era), because they have been getting to know the Internet in different life stages. In this primary research, the authors study the behaviour of the two older Hungarian generations (veterans and those born in the Ratko-era) through the usage of information technology, based on the theory of Rogers’ innovation acceptance model.
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