Autonomous travel

Changes in driving and its perception in society




self-driving cars, social acceptance


The proliferation of self-driving cars is creating conflicting feelings among people, which are further complicated by the phenomenon of technostress. The extent to which technostress causes mental distress is unclear from current research, and further studies are needed to describe the benefits and drawbacks in more detail. The study of acceptance and the analysis of attitudes are key to understanding and accepting technological change. It is also important to clarify ethical and legal issues in order to integrate new technologies into the daily lives better. The research methodology combines primary and secondary data, and the use of a questionnaire survey with convenience sampling is a reasonable approach in light of the available sources. The interpretative approach and identification of patterns can help shape future action plans and determine the direction of technological development, thereby facilitating the adoption and uptake of selfdriving cars.


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Author Biography

Péter Szikora, Óbuda University

associate professor


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How to Cite

Szikora, P. (2025). Autonomous travel: Changes in driving and its perception in society. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 56(3), 55–64.



Thematic issue: Consumer behaviour