Wolf-proof brick house? Information security of SMEs in Hungary
information security, SME, cluster analysisAbstract
IT and information security are as important in the life of SMEs as an oasis in the desert. The level of security contributes greatly to the competitiveness of companies, an area that is strongly under-represented in the SME sector. The study seeks to answer the question of whether it can really be observed that urgent digitisation has a negative impact on the level of information security in the life of SMEs in Hungary. The trends related to information security and data protection can be compared in Hungary and the European Union, showing the backwardness of the area. The study presents the results of Digimeter’s 2020, 2021 and 2022 quantitative research, and also processes public data from the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI ) and other available indexes. The expected results of the research confirm that the immaturity of information security is clearly visible in Hungary.
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