Disruptive solutions for fintechs and their risks
Hungarian case studies
FinTech, digital finance, cyber risk, cyber security, case studyAbstract
In recent years disruptive technologies have transformed the traditional financial sector through their spillover effects into financial services. The aim of this research is to explore what disruptive solutions and business models are applied by the companies studied and what new potential risks they pose. The authors applied a qualitative research methodology to investigate four cases of Hungarian FinTech companies. They selected companies working in the most prominent FinTech areas in Hungary: an electronic payment service provider, an open banking and data aggregation company, an online payments risk analyst and a comparison platform company. This research findings confirm that the widespread disruptive technologies and business models mentioned in the literature are implemented in practice, which can also pose several novel risks. The most important risks are those related to the possible leakage of sensitive financial and customer data and the possible loss of control due to the use of AI.
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