Building a sustainable sharing economy model based on a virtual community currency
sustainability, decentralised sharing economy, community currency, smart contract, virtual currencyAbstract
After the economic crisis of 2008, the need for solutions that introduce alternative forms of cooperation between economic actors increased greatly. At the same time, concerns for the environment have intensified, and the integration of environmental considerations in economic activities has become increasingly important. As a response, peer-to-peer economy and peer-to-peer payment systems, among other things, have emerged. Compared with previous economic crises, the COVID-19 pandemic has posed new challenges for everyone, which could lead to the intensification of alternative path-finding processes. The ecological problems the we face mean that the aim should be to go beyond the restoration of previous economic mechanisms prioritising ecological sustainability. In this study, the authors’ aim was to present the elements of a novel solution concept that is based on the hypothesis that a digital community currency created through smart contracts can promote genuine practices of sharing as opposed to the currently operating platforms’ profit-oriented approach.
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