Impact of marketing mix related capabilities on the competitiveness of exporting medium-sized and large enterprises
firm-level competitiveness, marketing capabilities, marketing mix, exporting medium-sized and large enterprisesAbstract
Firm-level competitiveness is an important topic not only for managers, but policy makers and researchers alike. The authors investigated the phenomenon of firm competitiveness based on the 2018-2019 top management survey. In this study, they examined the impact of marketing mix-related capabilities on the competitiveness of exporting medium-sized and large firms. The sample consisted of n = 119 firms, which is representative of size and export activity. A factor analysis was performed and OLS regression models were calculated based on the factors created from the capabilities related to the marketing mix. Based on their results, the capabilities related to the marketing mix have a significant positive impact on both firm-level competitiveness and its sub-indices. Due to the chosen population, the authors assume that product related capabilities may be more of a qualifying criteria, while promotion may function as a contract winning criteria in the process of satisfying consumer needs.Downloads
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