Best paper and Outstanding Paper Awards, 2024


The Editorial Board and Associate Editorial Committee of the Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review are committed to maintaining and improving the high quality of the articles published in the journal and, starting with the 2017 edition, reward the best and most excellent articles published in the Journal. In 2024, we awarded certificates to the authors of the best and excellent articles of the 2022 edition. In awarding the prizes, the Associate Editorial Committee evaluated the articles on the basis of their readability, the novelty of the topic presented, their methodological soundness, the quality of the literature they addressed, the practical and theoretical relevance of the article and its embeddedness in the literature. Each year, one Best Paper prize is awarded, and one to three additional authors are eligible for the Outstanding Paper Award.

When awarding the prize, articles are evaluated by the editorial team according to the following criteria:

- popularity, readership: how many people download or read the article within one year of its publication,
- innovative topic: how novel is the topic addressed by the article, how does it appear among the focal areas of international professional discourse, and to what extent does it advance the field,
- methodological soundness: the extent to which the methodology of the empirical or literature research preceding the article is relevant to the topic of the article, and whether the methodology used is presented with sufficient reflection,
- the quality of the literature used: how recent is the literature used in the article, how far does it come from journals at the forefront of national and international professional discourse, and how thoroughly does the author use these sources,
- practical and theoretical relevance: the extent to which the results of the article are useful to the academic community or to management and consultancy practice,
- embeddedness in literature: to what extent the article builds on previous research findings


Award-winning studies and authors - 2022 (awarded in 2024)

Best paper:

Orehóczki, Z., & Török, A. (2022). A femvertising és a hagyományos reklám attitűdre és vásárlási hajlandóságra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata / EXAMINING THE EFFECT OF FEMVERTISING AND TRADITIONAL ADVERTISING ON ATTITUDE AND WILLINGNESS TO BUY. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 53(4), 17–27.

Outstanding Paper Award:

Reisinger, D., Reisinger, V., & Nagy, J. (2022). A mesterséges intelligencia és a digitalizáció hatása a logisztikai munkakörökre : Veszélyben vannak-e a munkahelyek? / THE EFFECT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DIGITALIZATION ON LOGISTICS POSITIONS – ARE JOBS IN DANGER?. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 53(8-9), 103–114.


Boncz, B., & Szabó, R. Z. (2022). A mesterséges intelligencia munkaerő-piaci hatásai: Hogyan készüljünk fel? / THE EFFECTS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE LABOUR MARKET: HOW TO PREPARE?. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 53(2), 68–80.