Analysis of the most common human resource competency models that need to be updated
human capital theory, industry 4.0, digital skills, HR analytics, entrepreneurship skillsAbstract
This may be one of the most challenging and unpredictable period in history due to the Russian – Ukrainian war, the pandemic, and upcoming changes at workplaces brought by Industry 4.0. The problems managers are facing today are immense, so a new set of competencies should be adapted. The research framework of this study is supported by the human capital theory. The six domains of an HR competence model that can be universally applied are found to include in this study (1) business (2) personal (3) HR tools, practices, and processes, (4) HR information system and analytics, (5) change, and (6) organisation and culture-related competencies after reviewing the previously developed HR competency models. Digital skills, HR analytics, HR relations, and entrepreneurship skills are advised to take into account when developing a local HR competency model as firms are restructuring to fit the current virtual and technologically oriented business environment.
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