University support for exchange students – in the context of educational tourism and internationalization


  • Bettina Bifkovics Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Erzsébet Malota Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Attila Mucsi Corvinus University of Budapest



educational tourism, foreign students, internationalization, Erasmus exchange program


The aim of our research is to investigate how Higher Education institutions can assist foreign exchange students before and during their exchange programs. The literature of internationalization in relation to Higher Education is reviewed and internationalization models of universities in different countries are presented. By means of content analysis and in-depth interviews, we suggest possibilities for supporting exchange students and offer examples of best practice. Websites of one Hungarian and nine foreign universities are analysed based on 26 criteria. In addition, we conducted in-depth interviews with an Erasmus Program Coordinator at a Hungarian Higher Education institution and a leader of a university student body (ESN) to explore the topic more comprehensively.


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How to Cite

Bifkovics, B., Malota, E., & Mucsi, A. (2020). University support for exchange students – in the context of educational tourism and internationalization. Turizmus Bulletin, 20(1), 35–43.


