Tourists and good places in the metaverse


  • Pipih Nurjamilah Corvinus University of Budapest



metaverse, tourism, virtual presence, sense of place, avatar


In tourism, good places are where destinations offer positive experiences, making tourists want to return, talk, and recommend them to others and even dream to migrate there. As technology evolves in the age of the metaverse, the question arises whether virtual destinations can provide such experiences. This study aims to understand how a good place is created in the metaverse by exploring the concepts of sense of presence and place. A literature review examined how place and destination in the metaverse relate to avatars and these senses. Insights were gathered on how current technology enhances immersive experiences in the metaverse, focusing on how avatars perceive themselves, how the sense of place is constructed, and how tourism activities generate enjoyment and happiness, turning virtual destinations into good places. The study found that the sense of presence is shaped by self-resembling avatars, immersive devices, and user interaction with the virtual environment, while the sense of place is influenced by interaction, time spent in the environment, and its design. Ultimately, the combination of an enjoyable sense of presence and place contributes to creating a good place in the metaverse.


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How to Cite

Nurjamilah, P. (2024). Tourists and good places in the metaverse. Turizmus Bulletin, 24(4), 4–11.


