An examination of the macro-economic relationships of health tourism


  • Ádám Ruszinkó Budapest Metropolitan University
  • Balázs Vajai University of Sopron
  • Attila Donka Kodolányi János University



health tourism, financing, NEAK, medicinal spa, balneology


The starting point of our research was that, in addition to market-based health tourism services, it is also worth examining state (social security) financed spa services from the aspect of how much the related tourism expenditures contribute to the tourism revenues of the given destination. The results of our investigation confirm the necessity of rethinking the spa financing of the National Health Insurance Fund (NEAK), so that domestic medicinal tourism, which is truly unique and special, will be revived again. With this study, the authors hope to promote the raising of the level of support for treatments carried out in medicinal spas. The aim and novelty of the analysis are to find coefficients that help to interpret more accurately the development of the guest turnover of spas, and especially their medicianl sections. Previously, no similar studies had been carried out on the correlations in health tourism, only time series analyses were completed.


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How to Cite

Ruszinkó, Ádám, Vajai, B., & Donka, A. (2024). An examination of the macro-economic relationships of health tourism. Turizmus Bulletin, 24(1), 44–53.



Research papers