The role of Hungaricums in shaping the country’s image
Hungaricum, national value, country image, gastronomic product, Kodály-methodAbstract
Hungaricums are values that are unique to Hungarians, through which people living in other countries of the world can associate Hungary and Hungarians. Those elements of the tourist offer that make it worth visiting Hungary, which are emphasized by professional organizations in their communication, are echoed in the collection of Hungaricums. During the research, literature studies regarding the role of Hungaricums in shaping the country’s image were carried out. However, the professional organizations responsible for shaping the country’s image were contacted, and semi-structured interviews with their representatives were conducted. The representatives of the 10 organizations interviewed mainly named agricultural and gastronomic items as the most identifiable Hungarian products by foreigners. It was also established that the majority of Hungaricums do not yet represent a major tourist attraction in today’s tourism, but at the same time the Hungaricums must be taken into account when creating the image of Hungary, and in fact, it must become an increasingly used tool for brand building.
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