The use of design methods as catalysts for innovation in hotels


  • Katalin Juhász-Dóra Budapest Business School
  • Noémi Ilyés Corvinus University of Budapest



Design Thinking, Service Design, Service innovation, customer experience, hotel industry


The business environment is never stagnant, only the change is constant in it. Constant change occasionally results in uncertain market conditions, which force hotel companies to reconsider their business models, operational processes, products and services in order to adapt to the changing conditions. In response to changing consumer needs hotel companies adapt new practices, in most cases introducing technological or non-technological innovations. However, in the case of long-term operation it is not sufficient to meet guest expectations only: also local and global challenges are essential elements to be addressed in the accommodation market in line with the changing conditions. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the potential of Design Thinking and Service Design as innovation catalysts in the hotel industry.


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How to Cite

Juhász-Dóra, K., & Ilyés, N. (2023). The use of design methods as catalysts for innovation in hotels. Turizmus Bulletin, 23(1), 25–33.


