Segmentation of gastronomic consumers from the perspective of online activity and influencer following
online consumer activity, Instagram, hospitality industry, influencerAbstract
The purpose of this study is to explore the segmentation of Instagram users interested in gastronomy based on their online activity and influencer following behaviour. Given the increasingly intensive use of social media and the active presence of influencers in the field of gastronomy, it is fundamental for catering service providers to learn about these consumer attitudes when mapping the target audience. To explore the research question, a survey with 421 valid responses was executed and analyzed with factor and cluster analyses. During the factor analysis, the influencer following attitude, the consumption attitude at the restaurant, the activity attitude, and the gastronomy attitude on Instagram emerged. During cluster analysis four segments were distinguished in the person of foodies, influencer addicts, online gastro consumers, and the uninterested. The results of the research also contain valuable information for tourism and marketing specialists, and catering industry service providers.
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